

 FIRST LAW: MAKE THE CUE OBVIOUS Habits are mental shortcuts learned from experience. In a sense, a habit is just a memory of the steps you previously followed to solve a problem in the past. Whenever the conditions are right, you can draw on this memory and automatically apply the same solution. The ultimate purpose of habits is to solve the problems of life with as little energy and effort as possible. LAWS OF HABIT CREATION Eliminate the cue and your habit will never start. Reduce the craving and you won’t experience enough motivation to act. Make the behavior difficult and you won’t be able to do it. And if the reward fails to satisfy your desire, then you’ll have no reason to do it again in the future.  Without the first three steps, a behavior will not occur. Without all four, a behavior will not be repeated. In summary, the cue triggers a craving, which motivates a response, which provides a reward, which satisfies the craving and, ultimately, becomes associated with the cue. Wh


 How to build new habits in 4 easy steps KEY IDEAS: *  A habit is a behavior that has been repeated enough to become automatic. Habits reduce cognitive load and free up mental capacity, allowing focused attention to be devoted to other tasks How Habits are built 1. Cue: The first stage of habit formation is the cue, often described as the trigger that initiates the habit loop. Cues can be external, such as a specific time of day, a particular location, or the presence of other people. Alternatively, they can be internal, like an emotional state or a preceding action. Understanding and identifying these cues are essential in deliberately designing habits. The key is to make cues obvious, as clarity in triggers significantly influences the likelihood of habit formation. 2. Craving: Following the cue, there is a natural inclination or desire, known as the craving. Cravings are the motivational force behind a habit. They drive behavior and create the energy necessary to act on the habit l


  How your habits shape your identity  (and vice-versa) KEY POINTS * Habits create our identity: our identity (who we think we are) is made out of all the tiny things that we do every day.  Our identity is created by our habits.  * Our identity is what we believe about ourselves. * Most of the time we inherit our habits from our family and society. * Behind an action system there is a belief system. Our actions come from our beliefs. Our identity is behind our habits. The creation of our identity is a feedback loop The more you repeat a behavior, the more you reinforce an identity. The stronger we connect with an identity, the more we are going to do things that bring us closer to that identity. Every belief, including what you believe about yourself, comes from experience. Our habits are how we embody our identity. Identity-Based Habits * The key to building lasting habits is focusing on creating a new identity first.  * Your current behaviors are simply a reflection of your current


 The Surprising Power of Atomic Habits KEY POINTS: * A small daily improvement of 1% can generate a big difference. * Constant small actions are important. What is a Habit? A habit is an action that is done so many times that it becomes automatic. Because it is automatic, it frees space in our minds so we can do/learn something else.  Habits can support our well-being or not. The Compounding Effect of Habits: Small habits add up. Every small habit that is done repeatedly for many years has a huge effect on our lives and on who we are.  Latent Potential Plateau:   Getting results takes time, we don't see results immediately.  Success is made by many small decisions over a long time. Patience is key. Goals vs. Systems:   * The goal is what we want to achieve, our final destination.  A goal can give us direction. * The system is the process in the direction of the goal, the steps that take us to the goal.  Systems make real progress.  * We don´t succeed in what we want to achieve b


  Atomic Habits: Transforming Lives One Tiny Change at a Time Atomic Habits, a groundbreaking book by James Clear, delves into the transformative power of small habits and their profound impact on personal development. The essence of the book lies in the idea that tiny changes, when compounded over time, lead to remarkable results. Clear's insightful exploration of habits, motivation, and the science behind behavioral change provides a roadmap for individuals seeking to improve their lives. KEY CONCEPTS PRESENTED IN ATOMIC HABITS The Power of Atomic Habits: Clear introduces the concept of "atomic habits" as the fundamental units of larger behavioral patterns. Unlike radical changes that often fizzle out, atomic habits are small, manageable actions that can be consistently implemented. These micro-adjustments, when repeated consistently, have the potential to create a ripple effect, influencing other aspects of one's life. Clear emphasizes the compounding nature of the